SCOTt laverty

voice over

About Me

It was 1996, Scott was working with Danny Goldman from Danny Goldman casting.  They were working on a project having nothing to do with entertainment when Danny suggested that Scott read an audition for a lead spot on a national Western Union voice over commercial.  Danny said Scott’s voice was perfect for the spot.  Scott had done dozens of “on camera” commercials over the years, but knew nothing about the voice over business.  Going with Danny’s advice, Scott auditioned and ended up getting the job.  Years later, after many classes, after a variety of many demos, and going through many agents, Scott finally landed a great agent; and after a while of being told “no” as a result of being the new kid on the block, the bookings just started happening…and there were many of them, and they were big jobs!  Scott has always loved the voice over business, the people in this business, and the craft itself.  He always believed that if you are good, you will go far, and it will be effortless, and fun.  Going into the studios, meeting with people from ad agencies, working with producers and directors, and reading copy perfectly so everyone involved is completely happy with the end result are just some of the treasured parts of this business.  And as far as this website goes, it’s simple, he chose some of his favorite jobs.

Contact us

AGent Representation


Burbank, CA

Vanessa Gilbert
(818) 388-4497 – Direct
(818) 722-3072 Ext 3 – Office


Denver, CO

Josh Miller
(303) 623-2723


Denver, CO

Laura Adduci
(303) 623-2723